Mr. Krebs, what is so special about your oiled parquet?
The huge amount of oil, which we use on the parquet surface and a residence time, which is 200 till 300 times bigger than in a common factory. In addition all edges of the parquet are oiled and protected by hand.
Isn't it an unnecessary investment which you are operating?
When you consider, that the area of the edges is the most sensitive point, definitely not.
Isn't it a bit too risky to recommend your floors for kitchen and bathrooms without any confinements?
A residence time which is 200 until 300 times longer, 3 until 6 times more oil and all edges are protected with oil. This means for our client, he can preparing in the kitchen and coming out wet of the bathtub without cleaning the water puddle, without any carefulness.

How did you get on this kind of oiling?
Mainly with trying repeatedly and always observing what happens exactly. We asserted that a raw parquet surface absorbs the oil extremely good the first time and if we cover the surface with enough oil, it saturates self-reliant over a time of 20-30 minutes. On the parquet edge, which absorbs liquid willingly, then starts to soak, and doesn't look nice anymore, we use this soak- and capillary effect by saturating these edges with oil by hand. After the hardening of the oil, the edges are blocked with the oil crystals.